Wednesday, October 31, 2007


Oh my much candy.

We bought way too much candy. We weren't sure how many trick-or-treaters we would get since we are in a new place this year. We are so used to getting a million kids at our house living on base in Colorado. The first year we lived on base, we ran out of candy in about 1/2 an hour and Aaron had to go to the store to get more. So we got smart in the following years and started buying a bag of candy every time we went to the store for about a month and a half before Halloween. That was about right. Boy, did we overshoot it for our new neighborhood. We have 2 bags of candy that aren't even opened yet, and we barely got halfway through the big bowl that we started with. Guess I'll be sharing a lot of candy with the people at work.

It was sooooo nice to be able to walk around in t-shirts on Halloween night--and it was still a little warm! Quite a change from last year when we could only stand to be out for about 10 minutes before our faces were freezing. We even took some chairs out on our front porch and waited for trick-or-treaters (who didn't really come). Have I mentioned I love being in Texas?

Here's some pictures from today and a few from my trip to Lubbock a few weeks ago with Laura Freeman.

My little Air Force pilot

My heroes

The pumpkin we carved--impressed? I sure was!

Laura and I in front of the KD lodge

All the gals from my pledge class that made the trip