Thursday, April 10, 2008

New belly pic

Here's an updated pic of the belly. It's been a while since I posted one, so I have grown quite a bit! This was taken a few days ago at 22w 5d. I am now 23w 1d.

Baby Drew is just kicking away in there. That is my favorite part of pregnancy--it's a constant reminder that he is in there. Not that I could forget, but it's so cool when I'm thinking about something else and all of a sudden I feel him move as if to say, "Hey! I'm in here, you should be thinking about me, nothing else!" And I love that I'm the only one who can feel him all the time. Aaron and Trent can feel him from the outside now which is also very cool. Although Trent is usually not patient enough to sit there with his hand on my belly and wait to feel a kick, so I have to wait until Drew is very active to ask Trent if he wants to feel his brother kicking.

Last weekend was my weekend off and we hosted a promotion party for a friend of ours from Aaron's office. His name is Robert, he is married to Katie, and they have 2 little girls: Kennedy, who is 3 and makes a great playmate for Trent, and Riley, 1 1/2 months, who will make a great playmate for Drew! Robert got promoted to Captain a couple of months ago, but they had just moved here from their last station, and they live in an apartment, so they decided to wait to have a party. And since we have a house, we offered to have the party at our house. Even though it rained and was a bit chilly, everyone had a great time inside. Here's Trent and Kennedy hanging out in the garage...

We also got to babysit Riley on Saturday while Robert and Katie took Kennedy to see the Walking with Dinosaurs show at the Toyota Center. I wish we could have taken Trent because he would have LOVED it, but it sure was nice to get to take care of little Riley all day. She's so sweet and such a good baby!

Friday, April 4, 2008

How do you feel?

This came from one of my pregnancy updates that I get every week. There's a short article that's written every week by a woman who goes by "The Sarcastic Journalist", and she writes some pretty funny stuff. For this week, I couldn't have said it better myself. I always thought there was something wrong with me that I get annoyed every time somebody asks me "the question", but I feel better knowing that I'm not the only one who feels this way.

"I'm not a bitch, I'm pregnant!" by The Sarcastic Journalist

There were four words that drove me nuts every time I heard them while pregnant: How do you feel?

I know, I know, seems simple enough. Someone wants to know how you are feeling! How nice! Those words, although simple enough, seem loaded during pregnancy.

How do I feel? HOW DO I FEEL? I’m pregnant, my belly is stretching, I have cravings for peanut butter at 3 o’clock in the morning and my husband has affectionately nicknamed me “Pudgy.” How the heck do you think I feel?

The people who asked me this question always did with such concern. They’d place a hand on my shoulder, lean in and utter those four little words, much like I’d expect a doctor to say “It is malignant” to a patient.

My pregnancy hormones usually had a role in the way I answered. I’d have to bite my tongue not to reply something horrible about how I really felt.

How do I feel? I feel like shoving my foot up your butt if you ask me that stupid question just one more time.