Tuesday, August 25, 2009

Trent's First Day of Kindergarten

On the way to school

In front of the school

Today was a big day. My baby boy went to kindergarten. I have thought about this day since the day he was born, and I cannot believe it's here. I'm not sad and I'm not scared...I'm just a little emotional because of this huge milestone--the beginning of his formal education. I'm so excited for him. I pray that he enjoys going to school as much as I did and appreciates what his teachers do for him.

Every morning, the students will meet in the gym before they are dismissed to go to their classrooms. So this morning, we walked down to the gym...
Trent and his buddy, Dominic
...and when they dismissed the kids, we walked with him down to his classroom where we said goodbye to him, wished him luck, and walked away.
It was a little hard, and I shed a few tears, but luckily Aaron was with me to give me hugs, and there are a few kids from Trent's preschool going to Mossman, and their moms are such a good support system to have. I don't know what I'd do without my Mommy friends!

In a couple of weeks, he'll be doing all that on his own--what a big boy! :)

After we dropped Trent off in his class, we went to the Boo Hoo Breakfast sponsored by the PTA. They had coffee, juice, donuts, etc. for all the kindergarten parents. They also had a ton of door prizes and while I would have preferred to win one of the mani/pedi gift certificates, or the $50 haircut gift certificate, I won 3 free tans at Sunkissed Tan (which I will probably never use, but that's okay!) At the breakfast, they had these little poems attached to a package of tissues. I thought the poem was really cute...
First Day of Kindergarten
Every one has a "first day"
when they feel sad and all alone.
It can be so scary
when you're out on your own.
And I know that a "first day"
can be full of doubts and fears,
But they're full of new beginnings.
Take my hankie, dry your tears.
You'll find lots of things to do
and you'll probably make new friends.
I promise we'll be together
when the school day ends.
Here comes the teacher
Blow your nose and be brave.
Come on now and wipe your eyes,
this is no way to behave.
Well, good morning teacher.
We really must beg your pardon.
No, MOMMY doesn't always act this way,
But it's my first day of....KINDERGARTEN!
I didn't read it until we were in the car on the way home. I got a kick out of that one, and then I read this one, which was given to me by one of Trent's friend's mom, who got it from her son's teacher. This one made me cry...
The First Day of Kindergarten
I gave you a little wink and smile
As you came in my room this day
For I know it's hard to leave
And know your child must stay
You've been with him for five years now
And have been a loving guide
But now, alas, the time has come
To leave him at my side
Just know that as you drive away
And tears down your cheeks may flow
I'll love him as I do my own
And help him learn and grow
So please put your mind at ease
And cry those tears no more
For I will love him and take him in
When you leave him at my door.

Friday, August 21, 2009

A video from Drew's 1st birthday party

Here is a video of Drew eating his cake, ever so slowly, at his 1st birthday party. And in case you missed it, the pictures from his party are below in the previous post.

Drew's 1st birthday party

We had Drew's 1st birthday party on August 1...I know, I'm a bit behind! But I am going to try to catch up soon because Trent is about to start KINDERGARTEN and I'm sure I'll have a lot to blog about! More on that later...

Here are some pics from Drew's 1st birthday party. We kept it very small. My mom and sister came down for it. Also in attendance were our friends Robert, Katie, Kennedy, and Riley Plunkett, and also our friends Mark Koeppen, Martha Duenas, and Dylan Koeppen.

The decorations and presents

Walking toward me

Sweet Riley

Boone is ready to party

Trent and Dylan watching something on Mark's ipod--they are obviously too cool for all this baby stuff! :)

Drew's smash cake

Gimme gimme gimme!

Ooo, fun!

Sweet baby boy!

We finally had to cut off a piece because he really didn't know what to do with that big ol' cake!

He loved squishing it in his hands!

Boone was dying to get some of that cake!

This is about the time he started rubbing it into his belly. We tried to tell him that the cake was not going to get in his tummy through his belly button!

I don't know what he was doing here, but I just thought this was hilarious!

There's his belly

Nice highlights
This one cracks me up too. Boone is waiting so patiently for something to drop on the floor...you can almost read his mind!

The cake for everyone else--it matched the invitations!


Big brother testing the new toys

Hammering away!

This is what Aaron and I got him

Friday, August 14, 2009

Pictures from our trip to Pentwater

I am trying to do this quickly because we are heading out of town AGAIN today to go to Port Aransas, TX for the weekend. But I wanted to FINALLY share our pictures from our wonderful trip to Pentwater, MI to visit Aaron's side of the family. We flew into Detroit and spent the 1st weekend at his Aunt Michele's house to celebrate cousin Evan's graduation from high school. Had a big party and lots of fun! Somehow, I didn't end up with very many pictures from Aunt Michele's house. Don't know how, but there are a few!

On Monday, we headed up to Pentwater for the rest of the week and had some more fun, as you can see from the pictures. We went down to the beach (although it was a little chilly). We went to a farm where we got to pet and feed all kinds of animals. Trent really loved that. Trent got to fish a little bit off the channel, we went on Sally and Dennis's boat, and Aaron and I got to go sailing. (Although I didn't do ANY of the work! I just sat there!) Anyway, I need to go pack the boys up for this weekend, so enjoy the pictures, and I will try to post pictures from Drew's birthday party (which was a couple of weeks ago--I'm so behind!) when we get back. And of course, I will post the pictures from this weekend! Can't wait to take my boys to one of my favorite places! :)