Sunday, November 1, 2009

MOMS Club Pumpkin Party 2009

Today was our MOMS Club Halloween party and we had such a great time! Some pictures from the day...

The kids had a great time doing self-face-painting! (It gets worse!)

Drew was so good pretty much the whole time. I am on the party committee so I had to help out some, which is hard when you have an active toddler. But as another mom and I both keep them happy, just keep food in front of them! :) (At least for her and my chubby babies!)

You didn't know zebras liked to eat goldfish, did you? :) (Please excuse the massive amounts of mosquito bites on his sweet little face. I didn't realize we needed bug spray until we were around the block from our house last night! Just hand me my Mom of the Year Award!) :)

Yeah, so I'm minding my own business at the party, just chatting away with other moms, Trent seems awfully quiet over at the face painting table, but whatever, he's happy...then I hear him say, "Hey, Mommy!" I turn around to find everyone around me looking at me, ready to see my reaction, and I find this standing in front of me. *sigh*

Tank (Batman) and Trent (Ironman) joining forces to fight against evil...with extremely painted faces

We decided to attempt taking a picture of the members of our 1 yr. old's playgroup that were able to make it to the party. Hilarity ensues...
Marisa, Drew, Caroline, Kyle (in the back being chased by Marisa's mom Chris), and Chloe

Herding cats

Notice 2 of the 3 girls have not moved the whole time, bless their little hearts. Caroline (in the white) looks she could just chill there all day.

So as we were leaving, I spoke to the mom who brought the face paint to the party (Susan), and she said that baby wipes should take off the face paint. She had let her daughter Anna paint her face and the baby wipe took it right off. But Anna did not do this to her face! Anna is the sweetest, cutest, most well-behaved little girl I have ever met. So I knew we were going to need something heavy duty. And I had a feeling my old friend Mary Kay would come to the rescue with their Oil-Free Eye Makeup Remover.
This is before...

And this is after I used the eye makeup remover...I love Mary Kay!!

What a great Halloween we had! We missed Aaron, but we took lots of pictures for him to see when he gets back on Tuesday. Can't wait to see him!

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