Drew at 4 weeks
Not happy!
Pick me up, Mommy!
As you can see, Drew was not in the mood for the paparazzi on Monday when I was taking his 4 week pictures. His hair looks really red to me in those pictures. It's been looking more and more red lately. Trent's hair was red when he was a baby though, so who knows--it may just be a fluke and it will turn blonde later.
Drew has been much more alert lately during the day, which makes me so happy because I can interact with him a lot more and feel like we're carrying on a conversation...a one-sided one, but a conversation nonetheless! I cannot believe he is 4 weeks old already. He will be a whole month old tomorrow! How is that possible?!
Here he is the other day supporting our team!
Laying in the floor with Trent
And this is a great story. The other day when Aaron got home from work, Drew was fussy so Aaron was walking around the house with him. He couldn't get him to really stop crying, and Trent was begging to run races with his Daddy. They basically race each other from one end of the house to the other--this is a common occurrence in our house. So Aaron faced Drew to the front and (gently) started racing Trent. Obviously T was winning because he wasn't carrying a baby, so Aaron made him carry his stuffed animal Simba to make it a little more fair. Throughout all of this racing around the house, Drew was silent and wide awake--he loved it! They did this for several laps back and forth and Drew completely calmed down. So here's a picture and a video of the action.

On Monday, we took Trent for his 4 year checkup. I know, a little late, but he just had a checkup last September, so it's been about a year. He weighs 46 lbs, which is in the 90-95th percentile (he's been off the charts for about 2 or 3 years now), and he is 41 inches tall, which is th 25-50th percentile. He had to get 4 shots too, which of course he didn't like, but he took it like a champ. He cried a little, but I don't think he's scarred for life. I, on the other hand, got a little teary-eyed during the traumatic experience. It's different when they're babies because they cry for 2 seconds and then all is forgotten. But when they know what's going on and can say the words, "Ow!" and "It hurts, Mommy!", it's heartbreaking! I was glad Aaron was there to hold him down while the nurse gave him the shots. I just sat in the corner holding Drew and cried. After it was over, I pulled myself together and handed Drew off to Aaron so I could hold my other baby. Thank God he is done with shots until he's 12!
I think Drew and I are going to get ready and go do some shopping. After the racing around the house the other day, we realized we need to get one of those infant carriers that holds the baby where he can face forward and see the world since he loved it so much when Aaron was carrying him that way. So I think I'll go look for one!
1 comment:
I'm so glad you updated. I just asked Traci about you yesterday. It's nice to be able to see your beautiful family.
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