Weight: 19 lbs. --75th percentile
Length: 26 inches--50th percentile
Head: 41cm--50th percentile
Here is the 6 month chair pic...
Today, I took him to Portrait Innovations to have his first professional pictures done (I know, I am a little behind! I did have his and Trent's picture taken together with Santa, but this was his first time solo!) He did sooooooo good. He smiled literally the entire time. He was fascinated with all the lights and photography equipment. I only planned to get the $9.95 package that gives you more pictures than you could ever possibly want...but I went a little crazy and ended up spending a little more than that, and now I may have to start passing out pictures to strangers on the street because I have about 85 million pictures! Oops! :) What I love about Portrait Innovations is that you get to take your pictures with you the day you have them done. I got a CD with my order, and I chose just one of each pose and made a slide show. There were about 3 times this many that I had to choose from! Anyway, here they are!
Does he not have red hair?! I'm so excited--I just hope it stays that way!
Okay he is just PRECIOUS!! I want to squeeze the shizz outta him! he looks so different from Trent to me! They are both adorable! I've never heard of Portrait Innovations before. I wonder if we have one in Dallas! :o) Can't believe he's 6 months old already........
adorable!! he looks more like trent all of the time!
Absolutely precious! He's such a happy baby.
Cute pictures!!! I love Drew's facial expressions and adorable smile!
Those are SO adorable! I can't believe that he smiled the whole time! That never happens to me!! :-) It's a good thing you got to take them all because I have no idea how you would choose. He is precious!!
My daughter is four going on fourteen...and yes, the things going on in their little minds is amazing and oh so comical. Your boys are precious! Since our kids are so much alike, I am sure your days are full of comic relief, much like mine!
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