Don't ask me how he got a piece of cheese on his head! Maybe he's a Packers fan? I guess I'll have to teach him that we are Cowboys fans, and nothing else! :)
Trent's swim lessons--most of the pictures I took were of him putting his face in the water because I couldn't believe he was actually putting his face in the water! I'll spare you the repeats and just post one.

TWO teeth! (He now has 4, by the way, but he is so hard to get still enough for a picture these days!)
I don't want to sound conceited, but my kids are heartstoppingly adorable! :)
Those are SUCH CUTE pictures!! Your boys are adorable! Love those sweet cheeks! PRECIOUS!!!
Okay, I think you're right! They are heartstoppingly adorable!! I remember the first picture I feel in love with Trent... he was sitting in your kitchen sink in COlorado getting a bath, with a mohawk. He was the sweetest, chubbiest little thing ever! I decided right then that I wanted one of those!! ;)
And now you get to have TWO of those sweet little boys, Wendy! :)
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