Weight: 12 lbs., 2 ozs. - 50th percentile
Height: 23 inches - 50th percentile
Head circumference: 40 cm - you guessed it, 50th percentile
He's just an average guy! I thought he would at least be 13 lbs. because he has been feeling a lot heavier lately. Trent was a whopping 14 lbs. at 2 months, so we're doing better this time at maintaining a healthy weight for our baby boy. He got 4 immunizations today. One was an oral vaccine that was sugary tasting--he LOVED that! The other 3 were shots. :( He didn't like those so much, but he didn't cry very long. It actually worked out perfectly because they gave him the shots right before he was due to eat, so I was able to soothe him with a bottle right after the shots were over.
Today is Trent's first day back at school and he was so excited! He was ready to go, shoes on and everything, an hour before it was time to go! Usually I have to tell him a few times to go get his shoes on, but that boy was ready to go. He's so sweet.
Here are some pics of Drew.
That smile just melts me!
The chair pic