Wednesday, July 23, 2008

A little update...

Well, I heard from the doctor's office this afternoon, and the nurse told me that the hospital is all booked up for the Sunday to Monday inductions. But Dr. Taylor got on the phone with me and told me a few things to do Sunday night and Monday morning that may help start contractions, and then she said to come in to the hospital Monday morning and complain of cramps (she said to give an Oscar award-winning performance and don't tell them that she told me what to do or they'll just send me home--I love my doctor!) She'll be at the hospital anyway that morning so she'll just take over from there and we'll hopefully have a baby. If it doesn't work, then we still are scheduled for induction Wednesday morning.

I've been having some pretty sharp pains through my abdomen though, so you never know--he could come before then on his own!

38 weeks---Eeeeeeeeeeeeeeekkkk!

Okay, so I just got home from the dr's office after having to wait for 2 hours for her. (She had to do an emergency procedure at the hospital.) I have been really miserable the last couple of days and getting kind of depressed, so having to wait for a long time to see the doctor was starting to take its toll on me. The nurse did the whole weight (I'm now up 42 lbs.!), blood pressure (108/74), and baby's heart rate (in the 140's) thing, and everything obviously looks fine and dandy. My feet and hands have been swelling a lot in the past week or so, but especially my left foot. I think it's because the baby is sitting on something that is causing it to do this, but my left calf has been sore like I pulled a muscle and my left foot swells more than my right. My feet swell a lot when I am sitting upright in a chair with my feet on the floor. That causes me to need to stand up, which is also painful because now I'm standing on swollen feet. So pretty much the only comfortable way to sit is in the recliner with my feet up. And I have way too much to do to be sitting in the recliner all day!

Anyway, Dr. Taylor finally got back and it was a whirlwind from there! She told me I am about 1.5cm dilated and 50% effaced. And then she asked me if I wanted to be induced at a certain point. I said, without hesitation, yes! And so, after a few mind-racing moments (my mind was racing anyway), it was decided that we will go in on Sunday night and I will be induced Monday morning, unless we get bumped, and I'm praying we don't get bumped! So unless he decides to come before then, we will have Drew on Monday! Yea! I am so excited, I can't see straight!

I haven't posted any pictures in a while, so I thought I would do that now. Here they are:

Aaron and I at Trent's preschool's 4th of July parade

Trent waving to Mommy and Daddy--his class made "Uncle Sam" masks--too cute!
Aaron getting ready for his 5k race--Lunar Rendezvous Run at Space Center--7/19/08
Mommy and Trent waiting for Daddy at the finish line
Giving Daddy a thumbs up
Waiting for Daddy, staying hydrated!
Aaron coming in at the finish line--23:14
The family after the race
This is me today--38 weeks!

Wednesday, July 16, 2008

37 weeks

We had another ultrasound this morning. We didn't get any good pictures because the little turkey is facing my back, so he was not about to show us his face. I saw Dr. Taylor after the ultrasound, and she checked me and I am about 1 cm dilated and 40% effaced. Yea! We're on our way. Aaron is thinking July 25, and my mom thinks the same thing, so we shall see! I can handle that. Now I just need to pack a bag! And do about a million other things too, but it will get done.

Last night I went to my first Mom's Club event. It was our Mom's Night Out, and I had so much fun. We just had desserts at one of the mom's house. There were 6 of us, and I really hit it off with all of them. We all talked the night away, and before we knew it, it was 12:30am! Haven't stayed up that late in quite a while. There were 2 other women there that are also pregnant. One is due right about the same time I am. It was so nice to just sit and talk with all of them. And the desserts were delicious! I can't wait for future events and to take Trent and Drew with me to some of them. The Mom's Club has something on the calendar pretty much every day M-F, so we have our pick of fun stuff to do.

Trent has started going half days at Primrose, and so far it's going pretty well. He has mentioned a couple of times that he would rather stay at school with his friends, but I think it's just because it's something different. It is just a transition that he has to make, and usually transitions like these are a piece of cake for him. So I can't help but feel a little twinge of guilt when he says that he wants to be at school. I know it can't be the funnest thing in the world to spend his afternoons with his hugely pregnant mommy, but I've been thinking up fun things we can do that don't take too much energy on my part. Because that's what I'm lacking at this point--energy! Today we went to Chick-Fil-A for lunch and he played on their playground for a little while. He fell asleep on the way home and I had to wake him up to get him inside (there's NO way I could have carried him). So now he's laying down and I would really like him to get a good nap in, but so far he is just laying there singing and talking to himself. So we'll see if that happens. At least he's resting!

Wednesday, July 9, 2008

36 Weeks

I had my weekly doctor's appointment today. Nothing to report really. I'm up 34 pounds overall, BP is good, baby's HR is 147, which it has been for weeks now. I have been having some more intense Braxton-Hicks contractions lately, but my doctor seemed happy about that. I'm guessing it's because that just means my body is practicing for the big day. I am not dilated at all yet. Dr. Taylor thinks that Drew is about 6.5 lbs. right now. And we are getting another ultrasound next week to determine if she's right or not! Yea! I love ultrasounds! Anyway, not much else to report--at this point, my appointments are really quick unless I have any questions or concerns.

We went last night and bought most of the rest of the stuff on our registry, so we are now pretty much ready for this baby to come. I just need to wash everything--sheets, clothes--and I need to go through Trent's old stuff to see what we can use for Drew. Drew is coming at the complete opposite season as Trent (winter in Colorado vs. summer in Houston--yeah, can't get much more different!), so I'm not sure some of Trent's stuff is going to fly with this baby. But we also have gotten lots of new stuff for Drew from family and friends. I've also GOT to clean out Drew's closet--such a mess!

Last weekend we went to Dallas for the 4th, and that is definitely our last trip before the baby comes. By the end of the drive back, I was so uncomfortable that I literally felt like jumping out of the car while it was moving. It almost felt like restless leg syndrome. I couldn't stop moving to try and get in a more comfortable position, but there was nowhere to go so I was pretty much just wiggling around in my seat. Weird. Anyway, we had a great time up there. We were going pretty much nonstop the whole time, which was tiring for all of us, but lots of fun. Last road trip just the 3 of us. Wow.

Tuesday, July 1, 2008

The first day of the rest of my life

Today starts a new chapter in my life. I am now a stay at home mom. Trent is still going to preschool, but we are going to pull him down to half days starting probably next week. We are hoping to get him into the preschool at our church in September because they have a part time program where he will go Tuesday-Thursday for half days.

So anyway, yesterday was my last day at work. I sure was glad to leave, especially since I got to leave early! I worked with some really great people that I hope to keep in touch with. But for now, I'm okay living without them! :) I am so excited to be starting this new chapter in my life. I already have a list a mile long of things I want/need to do--and that's just today!

Also, we got some incredible news this past week that makes up our minds as to whether we will make the military a career or not. And it means that we will most definitely be a military family until Aaron retires after 20 years in. They have changed the GI Bill to where Aaron can transfer the benefits to our children and it will more than cover tuition, fees, housing, books, everything for both of them. Considering we have not saved a dime for our kids' college, that kind of made the career decision for us. You have to be in the military for 10 years before you can transfer the GI Bill to your kids, and the way we look at it, if we're already in 10 years, why not go another 10 and get the retirement benefits too? The only catch was, when we heard about them changing the Bill, it still had not been signed by President Bush, and they weren't sure whether he was going to sign it. But then I got this in my email this morning: He signed it yesterday! Can this day get any better, seriously?

Other exciting news: Laura, Kyle, Garrett, and Carson are coming to visit the weekend after the 4th. I still have not seen Carson in person, so I am way excited. We are also going to make plans to hang out with Scott (Kyle's brother) and his wife Darla. We haven't seen them in quite a while either--since before they got married, which was in December! Way too long! So it should be a fun weekend.

Okay, I am off to get started on this list of things to do!